Small Iranian universities among world’s best

TEHRAN - Times Higher Education, a British magazine reporting specifically on news and issues related to higher education has released a 2023 list of the world’s best small university.
The report suggests that a university’s size is not the only thing that makes it prestigious. There are more important things like survey data, science generation and average number of researchers that make a university stand out among thousands of others.
Based on this, the magazine has categorized three small Iranian universities among the best of the world. In the ranking, The University of Rehabilitation Sciences and Social Welfare is ranked 54th, Maragheh University is ranked 56th, and Damghan University is ranked 73rd.
Times Higher Education has introduced the list of the best small universities worldwide for the fourth time. The list includes various universities from the United States, China, South Korea, India, Japan, and France.
To be eligible for the categorization, universities must be ranked among the best global universities and have achieved rankings in the same indicators as the best universities. However, the number of students should be less than 5,000.
The average number of students in institutions mentioned in the 2023 ranking of the best small universities is 3,317. That’s while the average number of students in the best big universities is 25,000.
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